With around 400 truck factoring companies to select from, so how do you go about selecting the most helpful one for your business?

There are truck factoring companies that will definitely deliver your business more than just cash.

With some transportation factoring firms, your company also gets stellar service and financing programs to further help increase your company's bottom line.

Here's what you should know to select the most beneficial truck factoring company for your company.

You're probably thinking, "I don't have time for this!"

We'll help you make this decision easily. And find out why over 45% of our new business comes from Client Referrals. Easily the top referral rate in the factoring industry.

All the others don't even come close!

Haven't heard of Receivables Factoring?

For those who aren't familiar with Receivables Factoring, it is mostly a quick way to get cash from your receivables.

Receivables Factoring is Not a Loan

When you send your customers an invoice, they usually have 30 days to pay you back. Receivables Factoring companies will give you the bulk of the cash up front, sometimes within 24 hours, and collect the payments from your customers themselves. Once the invoices are paid in full, you’ll get the balance left over, minus a small fee.

Receivables Factoring Doesn't Require Debt

Sounds simple enough – fast cash for your business – no loans, no debt.

so how do you go about selecting the most helpful receivables factoring company FOR YOUR Utah company?

All of them cry out that they have the most competitive rates in the business, no long-term contracts, fast- same day/same hour payments, no up-front fees, no monthly minimums or maximums and so on so on.

We also offer these same benefits, but we also PROVIDE JAW-DROPPING SERVICE AND PROGRAMS that other factoring businesses simply don't and can't.

What's your proof? Here's the proof, over 40 percent of our new business growth comes from existing client referrals. As you know business clients don't hand out referrals carelessly. Especially since the client's reputation is on the line, nobody wants to risk giving a bad referral; it can make you look bad. They make recommendations to support their business friend.


Let's cut to the chase. It 's no contest,no other receivables factoring business matches our benchmarks of superior service and offerings.


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We have the best deals for the
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We have the best deals for
the trucking industry!

We have the best deals for the trucking industry!

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We have been providing the industry with fast cash for over 40 years. We keep your wheels in motion.

Our freight bill factoring programs offer some of the highest advance rates with no minimum monthly requirements, completely transparent fees, dedicated account representatives, same day funding, electronic submission of invoices, real time account reporting and free access to up-to-date customer credit status.

Get Started Today—
Set Up is Easy and Quick!


As you can see, we quite frankly have more to offer you.

Other factoring companies don't even come close.


And Not All Factoring Companies Can State This:

More than half of our new business comes through client referrals.




















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Information for the city of Utah

Salt Lake City, often shortened to Salt Lake, or SLC is the capital and the most populous city in the state of Utah. With an estimated population of 191,180 in 2013, the city lies in the core of the Salt Lake City metropolitan area, which has a total population of 1,140,483 as of the 2013 estimate. Salt Lake City is further situated in a larger urban area known as the Salt Lake City Provo Ogden, UT Combined Statistical Area. This region is a corridor of contiguous urban and suburban development stretched along an approximate 120 mile (190 km) segment of the Wasatch Front, comprising a total population of 2,389,225 as of 2013. It is one of only two major urban areas in the Great Basin (the other being Reno, Nevada), and the largest in the Intermountain West.The city was founded in 1847 by Brigham Young, Isaac Morley, George Washington Bradley and several other Mormon followers, who extensively irrigated and cultivated the arid valley. Due to its proximity to the Great Salt Lake, the city was originally named "Great Salt Lake City" the word "great" was dropped from the official name in 1868 by the 17th Utah Territorial Legislature. Although Salt Lake City is still home to the headquarters of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints (LDS Church), less than half the population of Salt Lake City proper are members of the LDS Church today.


Immigration of international LDS members, mining booms, and the construction of the first transcontinental railroad initially brought economic growth, and the city was nicknamed the Crossroads of the West. It was traversed by the Lincoln Highway, the first transcontinental highway, in 1913, and presently two major cross country freeways, I 15 and I 80, intersect in the city. Salt Lake City has since developed a strong outdoor recreation tourist industry based primarily on skiing, and hosted the 2002 Winter Olympics.


It is the industrial banking center of the United States.[10]The modern economy of Salt Lake City is service oriented. In the past, nearby steel, mining and railroad operations provided a strong source of income with Silver King Coalition Mines, Geneva Steel, Bingham Canyon Mine, and oil refineries. Today the city's major industries are government, trade, transportation, utilities, and professional and business services. The city is known as the "Crossroads of the West" for its central geography in the Western United States. The daytime population of Salt Lake City proper swells to over 315,000 people, not including tourists or students.[80]



Information for the state of Utah

Cultivated land, including isolated farms in river valleys and considerable dry-farming acreage, is limited to a small percentage of the state's total area. Major crops are hay, corn, barley, and wheat, but the bulk of income from agriculture comes from livestock and livestock products, including sheep, cattle, dairying, and an expanding poultry industry. Abundant sunshine provides some compensation for inadequate rainfall, and the climate is generally moderate, allowing for substantial fruit production. The proximity of high-grade iron, coal, and limestone made Provo a steel center. Industrial plants extend from Provo to Brigham City, with the largest concentration in the Salt Lake City area. Utah is now a center for aerospace research and the production of missiles, spacecraft, computer hardware and software, electronic systems, and related items. Other major manufactures are processed foods, machinery, fabricated metals, and petroleum products.


For many years high freight rates and the long distances to major markets, together with a Mormon distrust of industrialization, tended to discourage manufacturing. However, the establishment of defense plants and military installations during World War II spurred phenomenal industrial growth. The proximity of high-grade iron, coal, and limestone made Provo a steel center. Industrial plants extend from Provo to Brigham City, with the largest concentration in the Salt Lake City area. Utah is now a center for aerospace research and the production of missiles, spacecraft, computer hardware and software, electronic systems, and related items. Other major manufactures are processed foods, machinery, fabricated metals, and petroleum products. Tourism has become increasingly important to the state's economy. In addition to the five national parks and seven national monuments, ski resorts, particularly in the Wasatch Range, are popular destinations.


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If you need capital right now or are looking to expand then factoring is the way to go.  


Truck Factoring is also known as Accounts Receivable Financing because Truck Factoring occurs when a business needs to access cash quickly, quicker than if it had to wait the 30 to 60 days (or longer) to receive payment from a customer. -Best Utah Transportation Factoring Companies





Best Utah Transportation Factoring Companies Articles

receivables factoring Companies – Benefits


receivables factoring companies offer a wide variety of benefits to businesses. receivables factoring companies conduct financial business by allowing a business to sell its invoices to a factor (also known as a third party business or individual.) The price that the business charges is discounted in order to sell the invoices that are currently held, and make the cash that is immediately needed for any type of expenditures involving the business. A business that has immediate cash needs, but has no cash to pay for the expenditures that has occurred often ends up going under and eventually shutting down completely. This takes a lot of jobs away from people, and can leave you working for someone else, no longer running for your business. No one wants to take this large step down from the current place that they are in. A business owner has worked incredibly hard to get to where he or she currently is, and does not deserve to have their business become obsolete. This is where the receivables factoring companies can be a huge help to businesses.


receivables factoring


Keep in mind that receivables factoring companies do not use the same process as invoice discounting. Instead, invoice receivables factoring (also called the “Assignment of Accounts Receivable” by the FASB and GAAP) is the sale of invoices, instead of invoice discounting which involves collateral in order to ensure that the individual who took out the invoice discounting loan will pay it back. receivables factoring is not a loan; instead, receivables factoring is the sale of invoices in order to get immediate cash. There is no loan in the process of receivables factoring, and you will never have to pay the money back.


Since the invoices that are sold are also called receivables, the entire process of receivables factoring is usually called the sale of receivables. receivables factoring is much better than trying to take a loan out from the bank. Banks charge interest on any type of loan, and although there is usually collateral, it can put you in even more debt than you currently are. In addition, receivables factoring companies are never going to give you a loan. When a receivables factoring company funds your discounted receivable, he or she will choose to buy the receivable, giving you cash immediately. This cash can pull your entire business out of the hole that it is currently in. Instead of taking a loan out and getting yourself further into debt, receivables factoring allows you to simply sell your own invoices and get back most of the money that you originally put into them. Although this may seem like a bad process since you are selling valuable invoices, it is important to do, as the invoices are completely useless if your entire business goes under. Instead of trying to take a loan out to keep all of your receivables (invoices) receivables factoring companies benefit you directly by giving you the cash you need.


Benefits of receivables factoring Companies


When you are in a bind and really need money in order to get through the next few months, it can be very troublesome. Although the first thought in most peoples' minds would be to visit the nearest bank as soon as possible and take out some kind of loan, this is very dangerous. Although the loan may hold your business over for the next few months, it is simply delaying the same money crunch you already had. Unless your business is making an incredible amount of money, the bank loan that you took out has increased in the price that you must pay bank. Interest on a bank loan is how the banks make money and survive. Many loans have a very high interest rate, and if you are unable to pay the loan back in a short amount of time, you are going to be in more of a money crunch than you originally were in. In order to pay back the loan, you would have to make a large amount of money in a very short time, which is unlikely if you needed to take out the loan in the first place.


Rather than bothering with bank loans that will inevitably put you back in the money hole that you were in when you took it out, receivables factoring companies are available to help you. A receivables factoring company is a place where businesses can place their invoices for sale at a discounted price, which will allow them to receive immediate cash. As aforementioned, this money does not need to be paid back, as it is not a loan. Keep in mind, you are not selling your business. You are selling invoices in order to keep your business growing. You will be able to get more invoices in the future when your business is back up and running, but if you do not sell these invoices, you will never be back up and running.


When you are in a money crunch, don't put yourself back in the money hole that you are in by taking out a bank loan. Utilize receivables factoring companies in order to get immediate cash that will help you get back up and running without putting a loan on your business.




You Can Find More Factoring Services For Trucking Companies Information at  Best New York Trucking Factoring Companies
and at truckermoney.com






Best Utah Transportation Factoring Companies Articles

Explaining 'receivables factoring'


A 'Factor' is a third-party commercial financial company who purchases the Accounts Receivable from businesses: this transaction is known as 'receivables factoring'. receivables factoring exists so that businesses can receive a quick injection of cash, as opposed to waiting the 60 or 90 days for customers to pay their invoices. receivables factoring is also known as Accounts Receivable Financing, and Invoice receivables factoring.


The majority of factoring businesses purchase invoices and advance money to the business within 24 hours; however, the nature and terms of receivables factoring can (and do) differ among financial service providers and industries. Depending on your customers' credit histories, your industry, and other specific criteria, the advance rate on your invoices can range from 80% to as high as 95%. The receivables factoring company not only collects on your invoices; it also offers back-office support to your business.


Once the receivables factoring company has collected on your customer's invoice, you'll be paid the balance of the invoice – less the factor's fee for assuming the risk. The primary benefit of receivables factoring is that businesses no longer need to wait anywhere between one and three months for a customer to pay their accounts: they now have access to cash-in-hand so they can operate and grow their business.


The Advantages of receivables factoring


There are a few reasons why receivables factoring has become an invaluable financial tool for many businesses, including start-ups. As mentioned above, the main benefit is that businesses can now receive a quick boost to their cash flow because receivables factoring companies, in general, will provide cash on accounts receivable within 24 hours. This resolves the problems businesses experience with short-term cash flow, and in many ways this injection of cash can help to grow a business. Besides handling your customer collections, receivables factoring companies can also evaluate your customers' payment and credit histories.


Other benefits of receivables factoring include –


• It can be customized to a business's needs and managed to ensure that capital is available when it's needed;


• It's not based on your own business or credit history: it's based on the quality of your customers' credit;


• It's not based on your company's net worth: it provides a line-of-credit based on sales;


• There's no limit to the amount of financing, unlike conventional bank loans;


• This financing will not show up as a debt on your balance sheet, because it's not a loan.


Who Uses receivables factoring?


Companies of all different sizes, including start-ups, use receivables factoring; and today receivables factoring has become common business practice across many industries. receivables factoring is now widely used in the transportation industry, including manufacturing, textiles, trucking, oilfield services, wholesale and distribution, and staffing agencies.


Interestingly, receivables factoring receivables is practiced in many countries around the world and has a long history of success.


Can I Factor? My Company's New, with No Financial History


Yes, you can! In fact, receivables factoring has become an excellent tool for start-up companies because no company credit history or balance sheet is required. It's not really your company's finances that the receivables factoring company is concerned with; they'll base their financing on your customers' payment histories and credit scores.


What Percentage of My Invoices Should I Factor?


The answer to this question really depends on the unique needs of your business. Some companies only factor invoices for customers who typically take a long time to pay, while others factor all their invoices. The receivables that a company can factor range anywhere from a few thousand dollars to millions of dollars each and every month.


What's the Difference between receivables factoring and a Bank Loan?


• The difference between receivables factoring and a bank loan is that you're not assuming any debt with receivables factoring because it's not a loan;


• With receivables factoring, there's no emphasis on your balance sheet – it's all on your customer's invoices;


• In addition, a bank loan is typically one lump sum, whereas receivables factoring provides a steady flow of funds;


• receivables factoring companies can also help improve your company's balance sheet by assisting with your credit and collection functions;


• A bank loan adds to your debt, whereas receivables factoring converts receivables (an asset) into cash (another asset);


• And of course, bank loans can be very difficult to get because they're limited by your balance sheet.


How Do You Start the receivables factoring Process?


The receivables factoring process can be very simple to set up. The customer will be asked to complete a short application form, and may be required to follow-up with other reports and documents.


Recourse and Non-Recourse receivables factoring: What's the Difference?


• With Recourse receivables factoring the client is ultimately responsibility for the payment of the invoice; whereas


• With Non-Recourse receivables factoring, the receivables factoring company accepts responsibility for the risk of collecting the invoice.


It's important to note that some receivables factoring companies over offer both types of receivables factoring – recourse and non-recourse.


What Are the Contract Terms and Fees Applicable with receivables factoring?


There are different fee structures with different receivables factoring companies: some factors charge an overall receivables factoring fee which is determined by the creditworthiness of your customers and the monthly volume of invoices; while others charge additional fees to cover shipping, money transfers, and other costs associated with doing business. Before signing with any receivables factoring company make sure you understand the fees and terms applicable to your contract. Also note that most receivables factoring contacts are renewed annually.


Do I Need Credit Insurance on Debtors? Insurance is not typically required, but in specific circumstances it may be.





You Can Find More Factoring Services For Trucking Companies Information at  Best New York Trucking Factoring Companies
and at truckermoney.com




Best Utah Transportation Factoring Companies Articles

Questions You Need to Ask Your receivables factoring Company


In today's marketplace we're seeing more and more receivables factoring companies, and receivables factoring fees, rates and agreement terms have become very competitive. This means that, as a potential receivables factoring customer, this competitiveness should work to your advantage. However, there are some issues you must consider when choosing a receivables factoring company to suit your specific requirements.


Before entering into any receivables factoring agreement, here are some important questions you should ask –


What Are Your Terms?


As a receivables factoring customer, you'll be looking for as much flexibility in your receivables factoring agreement as possible. It may be that you choose a long-term contract with your receivables factoring company if it includes flexible rates or a price break. In today's competitive market, many receivables factoring companies are agreeing to adjust their rates based on competitive offers from other factors or increased receivables factoring volume. The majority of receivables factoring agreements are a one-year contract, which appears to be industry standard, and this contract will renew automatically unless you provide the receivables factoring company either 60 or 90 days notice.


What's Your Fee Structure?


The fee structure may vary depending on both the receivables factoring company involved and your industry. Some receivables factoring companies charge a flat fee, which is calculated as a percentage of the total value of the invoice. On the other hand, other receivables factoring companies charge additional fees to cover costs associated with doing business, such as money transfers, software, and so on. Ensure that the receivables factoring company you're considering working with is completely upfront and transparent with you about its terms and fees.


Are You Able to Offer Both Recourse and Non-Recourse receivables factoring?


Recourse receivables factoring:


Recourse receivables factoring is less expensive than non-recourse receivables factoring. With recourse receivables factoring, you (being the client) are ultimately responsible if the receivables factoring company is unable to collect on your customers' invoices. However, you're not necessarily required to pay the debt out-of-pocket if you have a recourse agreement and the customer defaults on payment. It may be that the receivables factoring company will withhold a portion of future cash payments or payments held in reserve, with the money being placed in an escrow account until such time as the debt has been paid.


Non-recourse receivables factoring:


When you have a non-recourse receivables factoring agreement, the credit risk for the collection of customers' invoices lies with the receivables factoring company.


Therefore, we believe it's to your advantage to use a receivables factoring company that offers both recourse and non-recourse receivables factoring, simply because you may find that some of your customers are more suitable for recourse receivables factoring than others. In addition, you need a receivables factoring company with a strong credit team because they can work with you to ensure you're dealing with good customers: to a certain degree this will relieve some of the pressure of being responsible for bad debt.


How Long Has the receivables factoring Company Been in Business?


With the marketplace becoming increasingly competitive, today we're seeing the creation of more and more receivables factoring companies. However, many of these companies are recent start-ups, with limited industry experience. Make sure you research the receivables factoring company's history prior to entering into any receivables factoring agreement: also research its background into providing financial services in your specific industry.


Do You Have the Capital to Grow with Me?


The fact that there's no limit to the level of financing is the major advantage receivables factoring has over traditional bank lending. As your company continues to grow, so too should the funding of invoices grow with you. Do your research and learn as much as possible about your potential receivables factoring company's client base and their capital structure. Does this receivables factoring company have a limit to the number of debtors it takes on? What's a typical account size? What's the receivables factoring volume of their largest client? You'll probably find that receivables factoring companies who have been serving your industry for many years will have greater capacity to finance your company as it continues to grow.


Is There Anything Else You Can Do for Me?


Obviously, receivables factoring is more expensive than a conventional bank loan, and this is partly due to the back-office services that your receivables factoring company is able to provide. Besides collections and financing, many receivables factoring companies will evaluate companies in your industry and provide credit information. Therefore, when looking for a receivables factoring company for your business, make sure the one you choose offers additional services and products that can assist you in making good business decisions.


How Do We Start receivables factoring?


Fortunately, receivables factoring companies are not unduly concerned about your balance sheet before they decide to work with you, unlike banks. However, they do have a process to follow when selecting new clients, so be sure you understand what the receivables factoring company is looking for when it's considering you as a client. Are they looking at your credit ratings and/or your customers' payment histories? Are they looking at your personal credit score? In many cases a company will start receivables factoring because it's looking for a quick injection of cash, so you need to know how many days the receivables factoring company will take to review and process your application.






Best Utah Transportation Factoring Companies Articles

Again receivables factoring To The Rescue


Collins Truck and Haul has been in business since the mid1980s. They've delivered goods for nearly every major industry in the nation and for 20 plus years, business was booming as they've traversed the country in all weather for all clients. During the heady times from 2002 to 2007, Collins was a top rated accounts receivable mastermind of the trucking industry. Few customers were ever late on bills and those clients who were, were sure to turn in their late payments within a reasonable amount of time. Cash was flowing and times were good for all.


But a short year later, in the fall of 2008, when the United States economy took a nosedive and businesses both small and large began to feel the pinch on their pocketbooks, those that used to make their demands had suddenly and largely gone silent. Business slowed down. And worse yet, Collins had noticed during the early part of 2008 that though the bulk of their clients were always on time with payments, the few late-bloomers there were, had seemingly started to spread this illness. And as spring turmed to summer and summer into the early days of fall, Gabriel Collins, CEO of Collins felt a chill go down his spine whenever he would look at the weekly A/R reports. The numbers of clients who owed him back debt were growing.


He had gone to his administrators and asked them what the problem had been. Were they doing something wrong or different when it came to reaching out to delinquent accouts? By his bookkeepers records, this wasn't the case. He thought perhaps that he was losing clients to a competitor who offered rock-bottom prices with little to no guarantee of quality performance and the folks who owed Collins money had jumped ship and decided to leave him holding the bag. They couldn't afford to pay him their debt, but they could afford a lesser service, maybe. But after doing the cursory research for this and talking to friends in the field, he found that alas, no, customers of Collins hadn't gone elsewhere. They had just gone home.


The situation looked dire to Gabriel Collins. He had employees to pay, goods to ship, trucks to maintain and overhead that was almost unbearable when compared against the lack of funds that were coming in. At night he would speak to his wife Linda and shake his head in frustration.


"I have a bad feeling, Lin," he would say with deep woe


."Well, what do you think it is?" she would ask.


Gabriel would stare off for a moment and then close eyes. He could see the fleet of trucks he had purchased over the years. He could see them traveling, bringing goods to all of his clients. But somewhere, a haze would form over his fleet and the vast number of vehicles would disappear to but a few. What could cause this ultimate death spiral of business?


"I know what it is," Gabriel said. "I've relied too long on the profits I receive from invoices alone. I've let too many of our customers go too long without paying on their bills."


Kristen could only grab her husband's hand and look at him lovingly, "It's a hard economy. It might be awhile until things get settled up."


Gabriel knew his wife meant well, but he knew that he was responsible for too many people to sit idly by, waiting for the sun to peak over the clouds.


The next day Gabriel strolled into his office and was determined to sit down and make every phone call to every client who had owed Collins money. Now, it wasn't the most efficient way to spend a day as a chief executive, what he really needed to be doing was to be overseeing all of the other intricacies of shipment and delivery and reaching out to prospective clients or retraining his sales team to do the same. Even though he was doing something to help his company, he knew he had folks on salary to do just this thing. Wasting money, wasting time - even with the best of intentions, Gabriel knew that he was in trouble.


After a half day of contacting debtors in vain - they dodged his calls or promised to call back at worst or made minimal interest-only payments at best - he was about to throw in the towel when his secretary Kristen knocked at his door.


"Gabriel, can I have a word?" she asked standing in the doorway.


"Sure thing Kristen, come on in." Gabriel leaned back in his chair and looked expectantly at Kristen.


"Well, I did a little searching this afternoon and tried to figure out a way out of this mess Gabriel." She pulled a small stack of papers from a folder and set them on the desk before him.


"Have you ever heard of receivables factoring?" Kristen asked."It sounds vaguely familiar. What is it?" he said.


"Well," she began, "Its actually quite simple really. So basically, receivables factoring invoices would enable us to get paid on the nose for loads that we haul."


"Immediately?" Gabriel interrupted.


"Yes, immediately," she continued, "In a nutshell, it's pretty easy. We can have an expert account manager review our numbers and help us complete a company profile. That profile will also include investigating our accounts receivable aging reports, our existing customer credit limits and so on. Additionally, the receivables factoring will help to determine the creditworthiness of our customers independent of their credit history with our business. It's a broad view.”


“I see,” Gabriel said. “And then what?”“Well, after their review, and we're approved for a receivables factoring contract, we can negotiate terms and conditions. There's a lot of flexibility depending on the business volume and credit histories. This company tells us what the cost will be to purchase receivables factoring for our accounts receivable. We come to an agreement and the funding starts pouring out.”


Gabriel leaned forward and reviewed the paperwork closely."It sounds too good to be true, Kristen," he said. "Now, now, I know, I thought the same thing. But really, they have guaranteed us experts that do all the legwork, which would free us up here to focus on our clients in good standing and marketing, all that good stuff. And they're flexible Gabriel," she underlined a paragraph on the paper before him.


"How flexible?" he asked.


"They personalize the receivables factoring rates so that the amount they are willing to take on is commensurate with our needs and our client's debt. It only takes 2 to 4 days for this to be figured out.


"That sounds pretty good, seeing as we tapped ourselves out with bank loans last year to repair the fleet and money sure is tight. We need to keep business rolling as normal and every day we're going unpaid, we're closer to facing some serious problems in both the short and long term," Gabriel said.


He took a deep breath and looked at his secretary with something she recognized as hope.


"Exactly”. I think this might just be a way out of the trouble we're in with these folks who owe us money."


Gabriel thought about this and agreed with Kristen. The clients who owed them money were long standing friends and professional resources of Collins. They didn't want to throw away these relationships because they were having trouble paying their bills now. Gabriel knew that the economy had taken a hit and he knew that it would probably be a long time before things started to look up again. That unknown amount of time, if he handled these debtors incorrectly, could spell disaster for both of them. He didn't want to lose business but he also didn't want to lose any more money.


"Well, let me think about this tonight Kristen, thank you." Kristen nodded, stood up and left the office feeling that she had helped her employer keep on his shirt and hers too.


Gabriel sat behind his desk and looked over the details Kristen had not mentioned in their meeting. What other issues could freight receivables factoring help Collins with? With his pencil gliding down the sheet he noticed that the receivables factoring company could help fray the cost of fuel with fuel discount cards and fuel advances. In fact, Collins could receive up to fifty-percent cash advances upon load pick-ups. As a man who hated binding contracts with no room to breathe, he was pleased to see that this receivables factoring company would not make him sign a long term contract, would not make him pay any sign up fees and there was no minimum volume required.


"Well, I'll have to tell Billy about this," Gabriel muttered to himself.His son-in-law Billy had liked the idea of Collins so much and revered his father in law for having such business acumen that only two years before, he had gathered the venture capital to begin his own transportation service company. Gabriel knew then what struggles Billy would face but he encouraged him nonetheless. With the faltering economy, if a big fish like Collins was hurting, a little guy like Billy was about to catch his death. But, an antidote may have been found in freight receivables factoring and Gabriel was soon to find out.


A few months later after going through the entire application process and having the experts review his accounts receivable, credit history and statements, Gabriel found himself beginning to dig his way out of the hole his delinquent account holders had created for him.


They took on reasonable receivables factoring purchase contracts and stopped spending their precious man hours scrambling to collect debt. They took that time and refocused effort to offering competitive prices in new territories. Gabriel looked back on the dismal months of life before freight receivables factoring and almost shuddered at the thought. Had he missed the boat on this one, he probably wouldn't be in business today.


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A little history on the Trucking Industry


The Logistics and Transportation Industry in the United States

The logistics and transportation industry in the United States is highly competitive. By investing in this sector, multinational firms position themselves to better facilitate the flow of goods throughout the largest consumer market in the world.. International and domestic companies in this industry benefit from a highly skilled workforce and relatively low costs and regulatory burdens.


Shipping Port


Spending in the U.S. logistics and transportation industry totaled $1.33 trillion in 2012, and represented 8.5 percent of annual gross domestic product (GDP). Analysts expect industry investment to correlate with growth in the U.S. economy.


A highly integrated supply chain network in the United States links producers and consumers through multiple transportation modes, including air and express delivery services, freight rail, maritime transport, and truck transport. To serve customers efficiently, multinational and domestic firms provide tailored logistics and transportation solutions that ensure coordinated goods movement from origin to end user through each supply chain network segment.


Industry Subsectors


Logistics services: This subsector includes inbound and outbound transportation management, fleet management, warehousing, materials handling, order fulfillment, logistics network design, inventory management, supply and demand planning, third-party logistics management, and other support services. Logistics services are involved at all levels in the planning and execution of the movement of goods.


Air and express delivery services (EDS): Firms offer expedited, time-sensitive, and end-to-end services for documents, small parcels, and high-value items. EDS firms also provide the export infrastructure for many exporters, particularly small and medium-sized businesses that cannot afford to operate their own supply chain.



Freight Factoring Services


Freight rail: High volumes of heavy cargo and products are transported long distances via the U.S. rail tracking network. Freight rail moves more than 70 percent of the coal, 58 percent of its raw metal ores, and more than 30 percent of its grain for the nation. This subsector accounted for approximately one third of all U.S. exports.


Maritime: This subsector includes carriers, seaports, terminals, and labor involved in the movement of cargo and passengers by water. Water transportation carries about 78 percent of U.S. exports by tonnage, via both foreign-flag and U.S.-flag carriers.


Trucking: Over-the-road transportation of cargo is provided by motor vehicles over short and medium distances. The American Trucking Associations reports that in 2012, trucks moved 9.4 billion tons of freight, or about 68.5 percent of all freight tonnage transported domestically. Motor carriers collected $642 billion in revenues, or about 81 percent of total revenue earned by all domestic transport modes.



Industry Associations:


American Association of Port Authorities
American Society of Transportation and Logistics
American Trucking Associations
Association of American Railroads
Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals
Express Delivery and Logistics Association
Industry Publications:


American Shipper
Journal of Commerce
Material Handling & Logistics
Transport Intelligence
Transport Topics


North American Industry Classification System For Transportation


The Transportation and Warehousing sector includes industries providing transportation of passengers and cargo, warehousing and storage for goods, scenic and sightseeing transportation, and support activities related to modes of transportation. Establishments in these industries use transportation equipment or transportation related facilities as a productive asset. The type of equipment depends on the mode of transportation. The modes of transportation are air, rail, water, road, and pipeline.


The Transportation and Warehousing sector distinguishes three basic types of activities: subsectors for each mode of transportation, a subsector for warehousing and storage, and a subsector for establishments providing support activities for transportation. In addition, there are subsectors for establishments that provide passenger transportation for scenic and sightseeing purposes, postal services, and courier services.


A separate subsector for support activities is established in the sector because, first, support activities for transportation are inherently multimodal, such as freight transportation arrangement, or have multimodal aspects. Secondly, there are production process similarities among the support activity industries.


One of the support activities identified in the support activity subsector is the routine repair and maintenance of transportation equipment (e.g., aircraft at an airport, railroad rolling stock at a railroad terminal, or ships at a harbor or port facility). Such establishments do not perform complete overhauling or rebuilding of transportation equipment (i.e., periodic restoration of transportation equipment to original design specifications) or transportation equipment conversion (i.e., major modification to systems). An establishment that primarily performs factory (or shipyard) overhauls, rebuilding, or conversions of aircraft, railroad rolling stock, or a ship is classified in Subsector 336, Transportation Equipment Manufacturing according to the type of equipment.


Many of the establishments in this sector often operate on networks, with physical facilities, labor forces, and equipment spread over an extensive geographic area.


Truck Transportation



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Industries in the Truck Transportation subsector provide over-the-road transportation of cargo using motor vehicles, such as trucks and tractor trailers. The subsector is subdivided into general freight trucking and specialized freight trucking. This distinction reflects differences in equipment used, type of load carried, scheduling, terminal, and other networking services. General freight transportation establishments handle a wide variety of general commodities, generally palletized, and transported in a container or van trailer. Specialized freight transportation is the transportation of cargo that, because of size, weight, shape, or other inherent characteristics require specialized equipment for transportation.


Each of these industry groups is further subdivided based on distance traveled. Local trucking establishments primarily carry goods within a single metropolitan area and its adjacent nonurban areas. Long distance trucking establishments carry goods between metropolitan areas.


The Specialized Freight Trucking industry group includes a separate industry for Used Household and Office Goods Moving. The household and office goods movers are separated because of the substantial network of establishments that has developed to deal with local and long-distance moving and the associated storage. In this area, the same establishment provides both local and long-distance services, while other specialized freight establishments generally limit their services to either local or long-distance hauling.


General Freight Trucking


This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing general freight trucking. General freight establishments handle a wide variety of commodities, generally palletized, and transported in a container or van trailer. The establishments of this industry group provide a combination of the following network activities: local pickup, local sorting and terminal operations, line-haul, destination sorting and terminal operations, and local delivery.


General Freight Trucking, Local


This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing local general freight trucking. General freight establishments handle a wide variety of commodities, generally palletized and transported in a container or van trailer. Local general freight trucking establishments usually provide trucking within a metropolitan area which may cross state lines. Generally the trips are same-day return.


General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance


This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing long-distance general freight trucking. General freight establishments handle a wide variety of commodities, generally palletized and transported in a container or van trailer. Long-distance general freight trucking establishments usually provide trucking between metropolitan areas which may cross North American country borders. Included in this industry are establishments operating as truckload (TL) or less than truckload (LTL) carriers.


General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance, Truckload


This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing long-distance general freight truckload (TL) trucking. These long-distance general freight truckload carrier establishments provide full truck movement of freight from origin to destination. The shipment of freight on a truck is characterized as a full single load not combined with other shipments.


General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance, Less Than Truckload


This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing long-distance, general freight, less than truckload (LTL) trucking. LTL carriage is characterized as multiple shipments combined onto a single truck for multiple deliveries within a network. These establishments are generally characterized by the following network activities: local pickup, local sorting and terminal operations, line-haul, destination sorting and terminal operations, and local delivery.


Specialized Freight Trucking


This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing local or long-distance specialized freight trucking. The establishments of this industry are primarily engaged in the transportation of freight which, because of size, weight, shape, or other inherent characteristics, requires specialized equipment, such as flatbeds, tankers, or refrigerated trailers. This industry includes the transportation of used household, institutional, and commercial furniture and equipment.



Trucking Factoring Service


Used Household and Office Goods Moving


This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing local or long-distance trucking of used household, used institutional, or used commercial furniture and equipment. Incidental packing and storage activities are often provided by these establishments. Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Local


Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Long-Distance


This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing long-distance specialized trucking. These establishments provide trucking between metropolitan areas that may cross North American country borders.


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Freight Broker


A freight broker is an individual or company that serves as a liaison between another individual or company that needs shipping services and an authorized motor carrier. Though a freight broker plays an important role in the movement of cargo, the broker doesn't function as a shipper or a carrier. To operate as a freight broker, a business or individual must obtain a license from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Freight brokers are required to carry surety bonds as well.


Freight broker services are valuable to both shippers and motor carriers. Freight brokers help shippers find reliable carriers that might otherwise be difficult to locate. They assist motor carriers in filling their trucks and earning money for transporting a wide variety of items. For their efforts, freight brokers earn commissions.


Freight brokers use their knowledge of the shipping industry and technological resources to help shippers and carriers accomplish their goals. Many companies find the services provided by freight brokers indispensable. In fact, some companies hire brokers to coordinate all of their shipping needs.


Often, freight brokers are confused with forwarders. Though a freight forwarder performs some of the same tasks as a freight broker, the two are not the same. A forwarder takes possession of the items being shipped, consolidates smaller shipments, and arranges for the transportation of the consolidated shipments. By contrast, a freight broker never takes possession of items being shipped thus in the absence of negligent entrustment, a freight broker is not normally involved as a party litigant in a cargo claim dispute, although as an accommodation, the freight broker may assist the shipper at their request and expense with filing freight claims.



Largest Freight Factoring Companies


NAICS Index Description



Truck Load Factor


484110 Bulk mail truck transportation, contract, local
484110 Container trucking services, local
484110 General freight trucking, local
484110 Motor freight carrier, general, local
484110 Transfer (trucking) services, general freight, local
484110 Trucking, general freight, local
484121 Bulk mail truck transportation, contract, long-distance (TL)
484121 Container trucking services, long-distance (TL)
484121 General freight trucking, long-distance, truckload (TL)
484121 Motor freight carrier, general, long-distance, truckload (TL)
484121 Trucking, general freight, long-distance, truckload (TL)
484122 General freight trucking, long-distance, less-than-truckload (LTL)
484122 LTL (less-than-truckload) long-distance freight trucking
484122 Motor freight carrier, general, long-distance, less-than-truckload (LTL)
484122 Trucking, general freight, long-distance, less-than-truckload (LTL)
484210 Furniture moving, used
484210 Motor freight carrier, used household goods
484210 Trucking used household, office, or institutional furniture and equipment
484210 Used household and office goods moving
484210 Van lines, moving and storage services
484220 Agricultural products trucking, local
484220 Automobile carrier trucking, local
484220 Boat hauling, truck, local
484220 Bulk liquids trucking, local
484220 Coal hauling, truck, local
484220 Dry bulk trucking (except garbage collection, garbage hauling), local
484220 Dump trucking (e.g., gravel, sand, top soil)
484220 Farm products hauling, local
484220 Flatbed trucking, local
484220 Grain hauling, local
484220 Gravel hauling, local
484220 Livestock trucking, local
484220 Log hauling, local
484220 Milk hauling, local
484220 Mobile home towing services, local
484220 Refrigerated products trucking, local
484220 Rubbish hauling without collection or disposal, truck, local
484220 Sand hauling, local
484220 Tanker trucking (e.g., chemical, juice, milk, petroleum), local
484220 Top-soil hauling, local
484220 Tracked vehicle freight transportation, local
484220 Trucking, specialized freight (except used goods), local
484230 Automobile carrier trucking, long-distance



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484230 Boat hauling, truck, long-distance
484230 Bulk liquids trucking, long-distance
484230 Dry bulk carrier, truck, long-distance
484230 Farm products trucking, long-distance
484230 Flatbed trucking, long-distance
484230 Forest products trucking, long-distance
484230 Grain hauling, long-distance
484230 Gravel hauling, long-distance
484230 Livestock trucking, long-distance
484230 Log hauling, long-distance
484230 Mobile home towing services, long-distance
484230 Radioactive waste hauling, long-distance
484230 Recyclable material hauling, long-distance
484230 Refrigerated products trucking, long-distance



484230 Refuse hauling, long-distance
484230 Rubbish hauling without collection or disposal, truck, long-distance
484230 Sand hauling, long-distance
484230 Tanker trucking (e.g., chemical, juice, milk, petroleum), long-distance
484230 Tracked vehicle freight transportation, long-distance
484230 Trash hauling, long-distance
484230 Trucking, specialized freight (except used goods), long-distance
484230 Waste hauling, hazardous, long-distance
484230 Waste hauling, nonhazardous, long-distance






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